There's just something about certain times that i'm drawn to check the time and coincidently it's 11:11. Whether it's am or pm, it's really weird. I thought that maybe it was because I had an 11 minute attention span or something. Nevertheless, I'm glad that i'm not the only person experiencing this "phenomenon". Gives me that comforting feeling that i'm not loco or delusional. Some are actually haunted by the number in places and objects like on receipts, folders, clocks, cellphone numbers and etc. Well, in my case I only happen to bump onto it when i check the time on my phone. At first, it seems like a mere coincidence. Then it went straight for days and nights... it becomes uncanny. Someone describes this phenomena "the universe tapping you on the shoulder". Wow. That is so cool! But beyond that, err... SERIOUSLY???
"11 is a double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number. In Numerology 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner. Eleven is a higher octave of the number two .Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.
Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories, that we are spirits having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking on a spiritual experience."
uhh... I really don't quite get that one.
"11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of consciousness.
11 represents balance.
11+11=22=4=Time.22 is a Master or Masonic Number"
Oh right...Human DNA strands....Masonic number.... O_o?
So, whatever these numbers usually signal changes in the patterns of my life. (LOL!) OR It may confirm something that I am experiencing whenever the numbers appear. (ROFL) And i may dream also about the numbers, linked with things I do not as yet understand, or wake up at the same time every night with these numbers on my digital clock, ie. 11:11. I say, this isn't something to feel inferior or a certain calling something like that. That you're special, different than any people in this world. It's just something not to be paranoid about.
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