Why do you spend most of your life chasing, if you already knew, it's useless.
Why do you make more than a list of mistakes, if you already knew, it's bringing you down in the first place.
Why do you let other poeple change the world for you, if you already knew, you're in control.
Why do you read too deeply on things people say, if you already knew what it meant.
Why do you let your fear break you, if you already knew, you have the courage to face it.
I know you can't answer me, you have never prepared one. You are living in fears and so am I.
I don't want to knock you down, I'm too weak to stand on my own. Perhaps, the distance is causing a blackhole and has been sucking us for years. But I will always find a way out. Because that's what I always do no matter what.You haven't left. You're still there. And I want you to know everything will be fine. You'll be happy someday, and I will be glad to hear you laugh again.
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