Monday, May 24, 2010


What's up with these faceless drawings?

I've drawn them from somethng that my mind can only suffice. Instead of completing it, they're drawn without faces. It's not that i'm incapable of but rather reality doesnt hold much of what we look 30 or 40 years from now. It changes. Whether seeing yourself drawn by an artist decades and decades. And putting it up in a frame, on a wall, in your room. That's so f*ckin' creepy. Seriously, botox or facial magics doesn't work forever in this real world. We rot and die. Maggots will feast on our faces after that. Deal with it!

I'll leave them blank for you to fill in. I don't make your destiny. I'm not your creator.

I assure you... she's not your mom.


R said...

thanks for the assurance. HAHAHA! :D

Ace Midlife Ennui said...

haha! *hides in shame*

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